What is N class Endlers?
N Class Endlers are unique in that the strain has originated from Venezuela and have not had any hybridization. Careful records are kept establishing that they come from an original strain from Venezuela. Endlers were rediscovered by Dr. John Endler in 1975.
Are Endlers a schooling fish?
Endler guppy is a schooling fish, and it prefers small tanks with lentic water, thickly planted with various flora. The fish feels very comfortable in tanks with floating plants.
How many Endlers should be kept together?
The minimum tank size for Endlers is 5-10 gallons, but we recommend going bigger because of all the fry they will produce. For a 10-gallon aquarium, start with a trio of one male and two females. For a 20-gallon aquarium, buy six to nine of them.
Are Endler guppies schooling fish?
Endler guppies are not schooling fish and as such do not need to be kept in groups. An Endeler will be perfectly happy living alone or in an aquarium with other ‘community’ fish. Ideally, Endlers should NOT be kept in a pair as the male will constantly harass the female.
What is a mutt Guppy?
Mutts are generally fish that were culled out of breeding lines because they lacked a specific trait needed to continue producing similar fish. This is not to say they aren’t still awesome fish for the aquarium, they are. All flake food from Fish Freaks Plus are wonderful for guppies!
How many Endlers are in a 5 gallon?
As for the endlers, 5-6 males would be good. I would avoid getting females to prevent the overpopulation problem. If you want to breed them, I suggest a bigger tank (15g+). 65 Gallon – Cycling!
Are Endlers better than guppies?
Endler’s are most often found in more stagnant waters, compared to other guppies who prefer faster waters, Fancy guppies, or the common guppies, can also be found in hundreds of variations. They can be found in just about any color, so they can liven up your tank with ease.
Can I keep 3 Endlers?
Registered. For the first week or ten 3 gallons will be fine. Endlers aren’t as prolific as some guppies, but if you install adults they will start dropping fry as soon as they are physically able to.
How many Endlers can I keep in a 5 gallon tank?
As for the endlers, 5-6 males would be good. I would avoid getting females to prevent the overpopulation problem. If you want to breed them, I suggest a bigger tank (15g+).
Can you mix different Endlers together?
Mixing Strains: Mixing males & females of different strains (like Black Bar & Peacock) in the same tank will produce offspring with traits of both strains. Use separate tanks for each strain to keep offspring traits pure. Use one tank for many strains if you want to mix those traits in subsequent generations.
What is a dragon guppy?
The Dragon Mosaic Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a very colorful guppy variety that is now well established in the aquarium world. Various shades of red, orange, blue, violet, and yellow are present in this variety, even in females!
Are mutt guppies healthier?
Mutt Guppies are traditionally more genetically diverse and healthy. The Guppy is an omnivore and requires both algae-based foods as well as meaty foods. An algae-based flake food, along with freeze-dried blood worms, and brine shrimp will provide guppies with the proper nutrition.
What is an Endlers livebearer?
Endlers (Poecilia wingei) are a small, colorful livebearer tropical fish that originate from Venezuela. Endlers are relatively new to the tropical fish hobby with most strains introduced later than 2006. Is the Endlers Livebearer Really a Guppy?
What are Endlers and Endlers?
Endlers are classified to distinguish between pure and hybridized strains. N Class: Endlers that have not been subject to hybridization. N class Endlers are considered to be pure strains, having originated from the wild population in Venezuela. P Class: They have the traits of N Class Endlers but lack the documentation that proves their lineage.
How long do Endlers live?
Under proper captive care, the species can live for 2 – 3 years. Endlers and Hybridized Strains. Endlers are classified to distinguish between pure and hybridized strains.
Is the Endlers livebearer a GUPPY?
Endlers are relatively new to the tropical fish hobby with most strains introduced later than 2006. Is the Endlers Livebearer Really a Guppy? Often called Endlers guppies, Endlers Livebearers closely resemble guppies (Poecilia reticulata), in fact for several years there was quite a bit of controversy over the species.