What is Nidalee passive?
Nidalee Passive Hitting champions or monsters with Javelin Toss or Bushwhack triggers a Hunt, granting True Sight of them for 4 seconds. During this time, Nidalee gains 10% Movement Speed (increased to 30% toward the Hunted target) and her Takedown and Pounce are enhanced against them.
What type of cat is Nidalee?
Nidalee is a master tracker who can shapeshift into a ferocious cougar at will. Neither wholly woman nor beast, she viciously defends her territory from any and all trespassers, with carefully placed traps and deft spear throws.
What does Nidalee do in lol?
In human form, Nidalee channels the spirit of the cougar to heal her allies and imbue them with Attack Speed for a short duration. As a cougar, she claws in a direction, dealing damage to enemies in front of her.
Is Nidalee an aspect?
Nidalee begins with one rank in Aspect of the Cougar and can increase it at levels 6, 11, and 16.
Why is Nidalee so hard?
Nidalee is tough because she doesn’t really fit into a box. She’s not a great team fighter, which is tough at lower elo. She’s only sort of an assassin if she’s head. She’s decent at poke, but you can’t rely on that to be your win-con.
Does Nidalee have a stun?
It’s not really a stun but made the clear a lot healthier.
Why is Nidalee so good?
Why she’s good in pro play: When the meta and matchups suit her Nidalee is one of the fastest-clearing junglers in League of Legends. She also has crazy mobility and terrain traversal (meaning, like Lee Sin, she can get off ganks from less-obvious angles) as well as healing for herself and teammates.
Is Nidalee a support?
These are just some of the amazing things you can expect to have screamed at you in a high pitch voice when you lock in this glorious example of a ‘non-meta’ support pick. Support Nidalee revolves around a simple, yet perfectly balanced, approach; throw spears, make tears.
Do Nidalee traps give vision?
I think we can all agree that Nidalee traps are pretty useless for laning, apart from getting the occasional vision.
Why was Nidalee picked?
Is Nidalee good Jungler?
Nidalee Build 12.2 ranks as an D-Tier pick for the Jungle role in Season 12. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 48.74% (Bad), Pick Rate of 3.91% (High), and a Ban Rate of 0.53% (Low).
Who is Nidalee in League of Legends?
Do you like this video? Nidalee is a champion in League of Legends. Innate – Prowl: While in brush, Nidalee gains 10% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds, increased to 30% when facing a nearby visible enemy champion.
What is the difference between active and passive Nidalee?
Active: Nidalee transforms herself into a cougar, gaining melee attacks with 125 range as well as new abilities. Active: Nidalee transforms herself into a human, gaining ranged attacks with 525 range as well as new abilities. Triggering Hunt resets Aspect of the Cougar’s cooldown if Nidalee is in human form.
What are the new abilities for Nidalee?
New Effect – Hunt: Damaging enemy champions with Javelin Toss and Bushwhack marks them as Hunted for 4 seconds, granting Nidalee sight of them. Nidalee ignores unit collision and gains 30% bonus movement speed while moving toward marked targets, and her next cougar ability against them consumes the mark for an enhanced effect.
What is the nature of Nidalee?
Nidalee’s alien biology allows her both—a rare gift among the Headhunters. A wild, untamed fighter steeped in myth, it is difficult to know what is true of Nidalee and what is legend. Some say she fights with the ferocity of a white tiger, while others of the Warring Kingdoms believe she can become the creature itself.