How does Web API handle 404 error?
A simple solution is to check for the HTTP status code 404 in the response. If found, you can redirect the control to a page that exists. The following code snippet illustrates how you can write the necessary code in the Configure method of the Startup class to redirect to the home page if a 404 error has occurred.
How do I fix REST API 404?
You fix this by opening the listen step in your VSM file, and changing the base path in there, so you don’t get a 404 error. You could change that to “/api/” so any api requests are dealt-with, or “/api/retrieveId/” so only retrieveId messages are dealt-with, or “/” so all requests are dealt-with.
Can MVC be used with Web API?
You can mix Web API and MVC controller in a single project to handle advanced AJAX requests which may return data in JSON, XML or any others format and building a full-blown HTTP service. Typically, this will be called Web API self-hosting.
Can we call Web API from MVC controller?
First of all, create MVC controller class called StudentController in the Controllers folder as shown below. Right click on the Controllers folder > Add.. > select Controller.. Step 2: We need to access Web API in the Index() action method using HttpClient as shown below.
How do you throw a 404 exception?
Just throw HttpException: throw new HttpException(404, “Page you requested is not found”); ASP.NET run-time will catch the exception and will redirect to the custom 404.
How do you use UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute?
UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute(“/StatusCode/{0}”); If an endpoint within the app is specified, create an MVC view or Razor page for the endpoint. This method is commonly used when the app should: Process the request without redirecting to a different endpoint.
Where is WebApiConfig CS?
In Visual Studio 2017, the “ASP.NET Web Application” project template automatically sets up the configuration code, if you select “Web API” in the New ASP.NET Project dialog. The project template creates a file named WebApiConfig. cs inside the App_Start folder.
How does MVC handle wrong URL?
Add or modify the Web. config file and set the Custom Error Element to On. Add a specific Action Controller and View for showing the HTTP Status Code. Add an [HandleError] attribute to the Targeted Action Method.
When should you throw a 404 error?
If the server does not know, or has no facility to determine, whether or not the condition is permanent, the status code 404 (Not Found) SHOULD be used instead. This response is cacheable unless indicated otherwise.
How do I fix failed to load the resource The server responded with a status 404?
The only way to fix this is to make sure that the CSS and JS files are properly linked within the HTML. Check whether the folder, file and directory name of these files are spelt correctly. Another way to fix this is by using an absolute URL instead of a relative URL.
How Web API is different from MVC?
The Web API returns the data in various formats, such as JSON, XML and other format based on the accept header of the request. But the MVC returns the data in the JSON format by using JSONResult. The Web API supports content negotiation, self hosting. All these are not supported by the MVC.
Why is my API method returning a 404 error?
Similar problem with an embarrassingly simple solution – make sure your API methods are public. Leaving off any method access modifier will return an HTTP 404 too. Create a Route attribute for your method. I’m a bit stumped, not sure if this was due to an HTTP output caching issue. Anyways, “all of a sudden it started working properly”.
What is an authentication filter in MVC?
An authentication filter is a component that authenticates an HTTP request. Web API 2 and MVC 5 both support authentication filters, but they differ slightly… This tutorial shows you how to build an ASP.NET MVC 5 web application that enables users to log in using OAuth 2.0 with credentials from an external authenti…
Why are there 404 entries in the IIS log?
Actually, there are 404 entries in the IIS log. The application pool for the web-site is set to use the Integrated pipeline. The “customErrors” mode is set to off. I’ve used MVC Diagnostics to confirm all MVC DLLs are being found.
What is the difference between web API 2 and MVC 5?
Web API 2 and MVC 5 both support authentication filters, but they differ slightly… This tutorial shows you how to build an ASP.NET MVC 5 web application that enables users to log in using OAuth 2.0 with credentials from an external authenti…