What are the 3 mechanisms of injury?
Although there are several different mechanisms of injury, trauma can be categorized broadly into three groups: penetrating, blunt, and deceleration trauma. There is a significant overlap in the causes, outcomes, and body’s response to the different injury types.
What are the mechanism of injury?
Mechanism of injury (MOI) is the force or forces that cause injury when applied to the human body. Forces have characteristics such as speed, size and direction.
How do chemical agents cause cell injury?
Chemical Agents and Drugs. Simple chemicals such as glucose or salt in hypertonic concentrations may cause cell injury directly or by deranging electrolyte balance in cells. Even oxygen at high concentrations is toxic.
What are the three mechanisms that result in most injuries?
Injuries are often caused by one of three mecha- nisms: compression, tension, or shearing.
What is the mechanism of injury as a rescuer?
Mechanism of injury, or MOI, refers to the method by which damage (trauma) to skin, muscles, organs, and bones occurs. Healthcare providers use MOI to help determine how likely it is that a serious injury has occurred.
What are the most common mechanisms of injury?
The most common mechanisms of injury were motorcycle crashes, falls, car pedestrian injury, interpersonal violence and car crashes, respectively (Fig. 3). The mechanism of injury was different between different age groups.
What are the different forces involved in injuries?
The main forces which act on our tissues are tension, compression, and shear forces (1).
Which of the following are the 4 primary mechanisms of injury?
There are four primary mechanisms of TBI: direct impact, sudden or rapid acceleration and deceleration, penetrating injury, and blast injury.
What is an example of mechanism of injury?
Significant mechanisms of injury include: ejection from vehicle, vehicle versus pedestrian or cyclist, high speed incidents, LONG and EXTREME falls, large machinery accidents, and many other forces, including intentional ones.
How do cells respond to injury?
Cellular damage causes a severe inflammatory response that ends with repair to damaged cells/tissue, and is part of the innate immune response. Following injury, the damaged endothelium releases mediators and stimulates the clotting cascade. The IR and the damaged endothelium work together.
What is chemical cell injury?
Chemical injury ranges from direct damage to cells and tissues by caustic agents (e.g., strong acid or bases) to damage due to toxins that may have very specific targets in a limited number of cell types (e.g., organophosphate compounds that simulate neurotransmitters in neurons, causing uncontrolled depolarization …
Is fall a mechanism of injury?
The “falls” mechanism of injury category encompasses many different types of events, including falls on stairs or steps; from ladders; out of buildings; into holes; from one level to another such as from playground equipment, from cliffs or furniture and falls on level ground as a result of slipping, tripping, or …
What are the mechanisms of injuries?
MECHANISMS OF INJURY INTRODUCTION Trauma starts with the transfer of energy to the body from an outside force. The transfer of kinetic energy may be blunt or sharp in nature. In addition to blunt and sharp mechanisms, there is the situation of thermal energy in the form of heat, cold, or chemical agent, which generates the heat or cold.
What is the STN e-library 201244 3_mechanism of injury?
STN E-Library 201244 3_Mechanism of Injury The surface area to which a given force is applied predicts the extent of damage. Here, a 3-pound hammer hits a thumb at a given speed. The faster the speed, the greater the force, and the greater the injury. STN E-Library 201245 3_Mechanism of Injury This image cannot currently be displayed.
What is the mechanism of injury for chest wounds?
Chest wounds from the nipples to the costochondral margin may injure abdominal contents due to the diaphragmatic movement. STN E-Library 201286 3_Mechanism of Injury This image cannot currently be displayed. Results from forceful collision between object patient.
Can trauma result from the withholding of Essential Energy?
Some types of trauma may result from the withholding of essential energy. For instance, depriving a human of basic needs such as essential oxygen… We would not ordinarily think of trauma in this manner, but in the broad sense, one could consider this injury from this perspective. STN E-Library 20128 3_Mechanism of Injury