How big do zebra Obliquidens get?
Male Zebra Obliquidens typically get about 5 inches in length, with females reaching about 4 inches in length. While this species is a very suitable candidate for a community African Cichlid aquarium, they should not be kept with species that are much larger or overly aggressive species.
What can I keep with jewel cichlids?
Here are the best jewel cichlid tank mates.
- 1.1 Clown Loaches.
- 1.2 Giant Danios.
- 1.3 Plecos.
- 1.4 Electric Blue Acaras.
- 1.5 Redtail Shark.
- 1.6 Synodontis Catfish.
- 1.7 Rainbowfish.
- 1.8 Leopard Bushfish.
What fish can I keep with cichlids?
What Kind of Fish Can You Put with Cichlids?
Cichlids | Types of Fish You can put in Tank with Cichlid |
African Cichlid | Rafael Catfish, Plecos, Synodontis catfish and Larger Rainbowfish. |
Dwarf Cichlids (Including South American Cichlids and Checkerboard) | Compatible with most fish species, including Tetra, |
Can jewel cichlids live with African cichlids?
Jewel Cichlid Tank Mates Some aquarists have had fantastic luck with keeping Jewel cichlids in community tanks. They have paired them with African cichlids, and even some varying kinds of tetras.
Is Taiwan reef a hap?
Remarks: The Taiwan Reef Hap (Protomelas sp. Steveni Taiwan) is a fairly peaceful cichlid from Malawi that will fit well with any Peacock and Hap tank.
What do Victorian cichlids eat?
Cichlids Primarily Eat Algae Lots and lots of algae.
Can you put cichlids with angelfish?
African cichlids and angelfish can get along, but it is not without careful research and consideration. Make sure to choose species of African cichlid that are not very aggressive, as they can and will harass your angelfish, which are a semi-aggressive species.
Can jewel cichlids live with Oscars?
We would not recommend keeping your jewel cichlid with an Oscar. Oscars get quite large and are also aggressive – two parameters to avoid when pairing your jewel cichlid.
Can neon tetras live with cichlids?
Most people recommend to keep a cichlid only tank, but a lot of people add other fish and make it work. Most African cichlids grow quite big and are therefore able to eat all tetras. Therefore, one can not keep African cichlids together with tetras.
Can you put angelfish with cichlids?
Species to Avoid If kept in a tank with aggressive tank mates, your angelfish are likely to become stressed and they may fail to thrive. For this reason, it is generally not recommended that you keep angelfish with Oscars or other cichlids aside from the very small species that have already been mentioned.
What is a strawberry cichlid?
The Strawberry Peacock Cichlid is a hybrid from the Aulonocara Species (Peacock Cichlid) from Lake Malawi. Peacock Cichlids are generally found living where the rocky shoreline transitions into the more sandy substrate of the lake bottom.
Do neon tetras need tank mates?
But, they are actually small and do not fit the whole aquarium themselves. This is why you need tank mates for the neon tetras. They tend to get along well with a majority of other fish species, and they especially go well with peaceful fish in your tank.
What is the best tank mate for a zebra danios?
The Harlequin Rasbora is another great choice for a tank mate for zebra danios. They are hardy fish and can tolerate other inhabitants in your aquarium. These rasboras typically grow to about 2 inches, making them an ideal size for most home tanks.
What is the best tank size for a zebra obliquiden?
75 gallon is ideal for fully grown Zebra Obliquiden fish, its best to keep 1 male and at least 2 to 3 females in the same tank.The colors on the male get brighter in females presence. Like any African Cichlid Tank from the great lakes, sand for tank bottom, lot of rocks and hiding places, this would help other fish to escape from dominant male.
What is zebra obliquidens?
Firstly, the common name used in the hobby Zebra Obliquidens is quite confusing, as ‘Obliquidens’ itself refers to a lot of fish from lakes in this area.